PrivilegesXmlTemplate will generate a template for priveleges in 2 possible modes
mode 1: just a raw template (we will ignore the values set) and this is the mode when
no selPrivName and appStore params are given
mode 2: is when we actually serialize data to save to server and in this mode we do pass
in the selPrivName and appStore which we use to retrieve current values from user appStore
and generate the final XML to save to server
defaultValues: boolean
selPrivId: string
Default value appStore: AppStore = null
callBack: function
(err: any, result: any): any
err: any
result: any
Returns any
Returns void
Static ProcessDateField
ProcessDateField(dateString: string, addDay?: boolean): any
dateString: string
format of date + time: /Date(1469923200000+0000)/"
Default value addDay: boolean = false
Returns any
Static ProcessDateFieldToUnix
ProcessDateFieldToUnix(dateString: string, addDay?: boolean): any
dateString: string
format of date + time: /Date(1469923200000+0000)/"
Default value addDay: boolean = false
Returns any
Static ProcessHourStartEnd
ProcessHourStartEnd(value: string, key: string): any
CheckFoundIndex will check if a return value is -1 and error out if in dev mode (list.findIndex or indexOf for example)