
SignageStudio Lite
a SignageStudio for the less technical individual
100% open source Digital Signage Studio that's available under a GNU V3 license

Powerful presentation builder that's easy to use and hard not to like

SignageStudio Lite is a 100% FREE, simpler version of SignageStudio Pro that's built on top of HTML5, so it runs everywhere. It is where users will spend most of their time building, configuring, controlling and maintaining the entire Digital Signage network.

SignageStudio Lite was designed to cater to non technical users with a simple UI that's clean and quick to understand. And when users feel comfortable enough with SignageStudio Lite and require a more powerful solution, they can easily convert a SignageStudio Lite account to a SignageStudio Pro account (and yes both are completely FREE).

SignageStudio Lite serves as both a low learning curve entry point into Digital Signage, as well as a sample application that JavaScript programers can learn from, copy, edit and even debug. And because SignageStudio Lite is 100% open source and forkable through GitHub, developers can easily customize it; enterprise users can brand it and business owners can resell it.


The campaign is a global configuration which holds your entire Digital Signage setup. Having the ability to configure multiple campaigns in the SignageStudio Lite allows for an easy way to switch signage players from one presentation to another.

Timelime and Sequencing

A timeline is a visual representation of the sequential play list order of your media resources. A collection of all your timelines make up the final output of your digital signage presentation.The sequencer is essentially a simple way to list timelines it allows the order the timelines via drag and drop.


Resources include any media content which loads onto your digital SignagePlayer. These include videos, images, swf animations and signage components.


The components include many valuable tools that you can use to enrich your signage presentation. These include RSS News, QR and others...


The Station manager empowers you to remotely control all of the Signage Players. You can reboot, play, stop, do live snapshots, get statistics and more. All this from within the comfort of the SignageStudio Lite station module.